/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.ui.internal.keys; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.eclipse.core.commands.Command; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ParameterizedCommand; import org.eclipse.core.commands.common.CommandException; import org.eclipse.core.commands.common.NotDefinedException; import org.eclipse.jface.bindings.Binding; import org.eclipse.jface.bindings.TriggerSequence; import org.eclipse.jface.bindings.keys.KeySequence; import org.eclipse.jface.bindings.keys.KeyStroke; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.PopupDialog; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceDialog; import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchCommandConstants; import org.eclipse.ui.activities.IActivityManager; import org.eclipse.ui.commands.ICommandService; import org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextService; import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.PreferencesUtil; import org.eclipse.ui.keys.IBindingService; /** * <p> * A dialog displaying a list of key bindings. The dialog will execute a command * if it is selected. * </p> * <p> * The methods on this class are not thread-safe and must be run from the UI * thread. * </p> * * @since 3.1 */ final class KeyAssistDialog extends PopupDialog { /** * The data key for the binding stored on an SWT widget. The key is a * fully-qualified name, but in reverse order. This is so that the equals * method will detect misses faster. */ private static final String BINDING_KEY = "Binding.bindings.jface.eclipse.org"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The value of <code>previousWidth</code> to set if there is no * remembered width. */ private static final int NO_REMEMBERED_WIDTH = -1; /** * The activity manager for the associated workbench. */ private final IActivityManager activityManager; /** * The binding service for the associated workbench. */ private final IBindingService bindingService; /** * The binding that was selected when the key assist dialog last closed. * This is only remembered until <code>clearRememberedState()</code> is * called. */ private Binding binding = null; /** * The ordered list of command identifiers corresponding to the table. */ private final List bindings = new ArrayList(); /** * The command service for the associated workbench. */ private final ICommandService commandService; /** * The table containing of the possible completions. This value is * <code>null</code> until the dialog is created. */ private Table completionsTable = null; /** * Whether this dialog is currently holding some remembered state. */ private boolean hasRememberedState = false; /** * The key binding state for the associated workbench. */ private final KeyBindingState keyBindingState; /** * The width of the shell when it was previously open. This is only * remembered until <code>clearRememberedState()</code> is called. */ private int previousWidth = NO_REMEMBERED_WIDTH; /** * The key binding listener for the associated workbench. */ private final WorkbenchKeyboard workbenchKeyboard; /** * A sorted map of conflicts to be used when the dialog pops up. * * @since 3.3 */ private SortedMap conflictMatches; /** * Constructs a new instance of <code>KeyAssistDialog</code>. When the * dialog is first constructed, it contains no widgets. The dialog is first * created with no parent. If a parent is required, call * <code>setParentShell()</code>. Also, between uses, it might be * necessary to call <code>setParentShell()</code> as well. * * @param workbench * The workbench in which this dialog is created; must not be * <code>null</code>. * @param associatedKeyboard * The key binding listener for the workbench; must not be * <code>null</code>. * @param associatedState * The key binding state associated with the workbench; must not * be <code>null</code>. */ KeyAssistDialog(final IWorkbench workbench, final WorkbenchKeyboard associatedKeyboard, final KeyBindingState associatedState) { super((Shell) null, PopupDialog.INFOPOPUP_SHELLSTYLE, true, false, false, false, null, null); this.activityManager = workbench.getActivitySupport() .getActivityManager(); this.bindingService = (IBindingService) workbench .getService(IBindingService.class); this.commandService = (ICommandService) workbench .getService(ICommandService.class); this.keyBindingState = associatedState; this.workbenchKeyboard = associatedKeyboard; this.setInfoText(getKeySequenceString()); } /** * Clears out the remembered state of the key assist dialog. This includes * its width, as well as the selected binding. */ final void clearRememberedState() { previousWidth = NO_REMEMBERED_WIDTH; binding = null; hasRememberedState = false; } /** * Closes this shell, but first remembers some state of the dialog. This way * it will have a response if asked to open the dialog again or if asked to * open the keys preference page. This does not remember the internal state. * * @return Whether the shell was already closed. */ public final boolean close() { return close(false); } /** * Closes this shell, but first remembers some state of the dialog. This way * it will have a response if asked to open the dialog again or if asked to * open the keys preference page. * * @param rememberState * Whether the internal state should be remembered. * @return Whether the shell was already closed. */ public final boolean close(final boolean rememberState) { return close(rememberState, true); } /** * Closes this shell, but first remembers some state of the dialog. This way * it will have a response if asked to open the dialog again or if asked to * open the keys preference page. * * @param rememberState * Whether the internal state should be remembered. * @param resetState * Whether the state should be reset. * @return Whether the shell was already closed. */ private final boolean close(final boolean rememberState, final boolean resetState) { final Shell shell = getShell(); if (rememberState) { // Remember the previous width. final int widthToRemember; if ((shell != null) && (!shell.isDisposed())) { widthToRemember = getShell().getSize().x; } else { widthToRemember = NO_REMEMBERED_WIDTH; } // Remember the selected command name and key sequence. final Binding bindingToRemember; if ((completionsTable != null) && (!completionsTable.isDisposed())) { final int selectedIndex = completionsTable.getSelectionIndex(); if (selectedIndex != -1) { final TableItem selectedItem = completionsTable .getItem(selectedIndex); bindingToRemember = (Binding) selectedItem .getData(BINDING_KEY); } else { bindingToRemember = null; } } else { bindingToRemember = null; } rememberState(widthToRemember, bindingToRemember); completionsTable = null; } if (resetState) { keyBindingState.reset(); } return super.close(); } /** * Sets the position for the dialog based on the position of the workbench * window. The dialog is flush with the bottom right corner of the workbench * window. However, the dialog will not appear outside of the display's * client area. * * @param size * The final size of the dialog; must not be <code>null</code>. */ private final void configureLocation(final Point size) { final Shell shell = getShell(); final Shell workbenchWindowShell = keyBindingState .getAssociatedWindow().getShell(); final int xCoord; final int yCoord; if (workbenchWindowShell != null) { /* * Position the shell at the bottom right corner of the workbench * window */ final Rectangle workbenchWindowBounds = workbenchWindowShell .getBounds(); xCoord = workbenchWindowBounds.x + workbenchWindowBounds.width - size.x - 10; yCoord = workbenchWindowBounds.y + workbenchWindowBounds.height - size.y - 10; } else { xCoord = 0; yCoord = 0; } final Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(xCoord, yCoord, size.x, size.y); shell.setBounds(getConstrainedShellBounds(bounds)); } /** * Sets the size for the dialog based on its previous size. The width of the * dialog is its previous width, if it exists. Otherwise, it is simply the * packed width of the dialog. The maximum width is 40% of the workbench * window's width. The dialog's height is the packed height of the dialog to * a maximum of half the height of the workbench window. * * @return The size of the dialog */ private final Point configureSize() { final Shell shell = getShell(); // Get the packed size of the shell. shell.pack(); final Point size = shell.getSize(); // Use the previous width if appropriate. if ((previousWidth != NO_REMEMBERED_WIDTH) && (previousWidth > size.x)) { size.x = previousWidth; } // Enforce maximum sizing. final Shell workbenchWindowShell = keyBindingState .getAssociatedWindow().getShell(); if (workbenchWindowShell != null) { final Point workbenchWindowSize = workbenchWindowShell.getSize(); final int maxWidth = workbenchWindowSize.x * 2 / 5; final int maxHeight = workbenchWindowSize.y / 2; if (size.x > maxWidth) { size.x = maxWidth; } if (size.y > maxHeight) { size.y = maxHeight; } } // Set the size for the shell. shell.setSize(size); return size; } /** * Returns a string representing the key sequence used to open this dialog. * * @return the string describing the key sequence, or <code>null</code> if * it cannot be determined. */ private String getKeySequenceString() { final Command command = commandService .getCommand(IWorkbenchCommandConstants.WINDOW_SHOW_KEY_ASSIST); final TriggerSequence[] keyBindings = bindingService .getActiveBindingsFor(new ParameterizedCommand(command, null)); final int keyBindingsCount = keyBindings.length; final KeySequence currentState = keyBindingState.getCurrentSequence(); final int prefixSize = currentState.getKeyStrokes().length; // Try to find the first possible matching key binding. KeySequence keySequence = null; for (int i = 0; i < keyBindingsCount; i++) { keySequence = (KeySequence) keyBindings[i]; // Now just double-check to make sure the key is still possible. if (prefixSize > 0) { if (keySequence.startsWith(currentState, false)) { /* * Okay, so we have a partial match. Replace the key binding * with the required suffix completion. */ final KeyStroke[] oldKeyStrokes = keySequence .getKeyStrokes(); final int newSize = oldKeyStrokes.length - prefixSize; final KeyStroke[] newKeyStrokes = new KeyStroke[newSize]; System.arraycopy(oldKeyStrokes, prefixSize, newKeyStrokes, 0, newSize); keySequence = KeySequence.getInstance(newKeyStrokes); break; } /* * The prefix doesn't match, so null out the key binding and try * again. */ keySequence = null; continue; } // There is no prefix, so just grab the first. break; } if (keySequence == null) { return null; // couldn't find a suitable key binding } // RAP [if]: need session aware messages // return NLS.bind(KeyAssistMessages.openPreferencePage, keySequence // .format()); return NLS.bind(KeyAssistMessages.get().openPreferencePage, keySequence .format()); } /** * Creates the content area for the key assistant. This creates a table and * places it inside the composite. The composite will contain a list of all * the key bindings. * * @param parent * The parent composite to contain the dialog area; must not be * <code>null</code>. */ protected final Control createDialogArea(final Composite parent) { // First, register the shell type with the context support registerShellType(); // Create a composite for the dialog area. final Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE); final GridLayout compositeLayout = new GridLayout(); compositeLayout.marginHeight = 0; compositeLayout.marginWidth = 0; composite.setLayout(compositeLayout); composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); composite.setBackground(parent.getBackground()); // Layout the partial matches. final SortedMap partialMatches; if (conflictMatches != null) { partialMatches = conflictMatches; conflictMatches = null; } else { partialMatches = getPartialMatches(); } if (partialMatches.isEmpty()) { createEmptyDialogArea(composite); } else { createTableDialogArea(composite, partialMatches); } return composite; } /** * Creates an empty dialog area with a simple message saying there were no * matches. This is used if no partial matches could be found. This should * not really ever happen, but might be possible if the commands are * changing while waiting for this dialog to open. * * @param parent * The parent composite for the dialog area; must not be * <code>null</code>. */ private final void createEmptyDialogArea(final Composite parent) { final Label noMatchesLabel = new Label(parent, SWT.NULL); // RAP [if]: need session aware messages // noMatchesLabel.setText(KeyAssistMessages.NoMatches_Message); noMatchesLabel.setText(KeyAssistMessages.get().NoMatches_Message); noMatchesLabel.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); noMatchesLabel.setBackground(parent.getBackground()); } /** * Creates a dialog area with a table of the partial matches for the current * key binding state. The table will be either the minimum width, or * <code>previousWidth</code> if it is not * <code>NO_REMEMBERED_WIDTH</code>. * * @param parent * The parent composite for the dialog area; must not be * <code>null</code>. * @param partialMatches * The lexicographically sorted map of partial matches for the * current state; must not be <code>null</code> or empty. */ private final void createTableDialogArea(final Composite parent, final SortedMap partialMatches) { // Layout the table. completionsTable = new Table(parent, SWT.FULL_SELECTION | SWT.SINGLE); final GridData gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); completionsTable.setLayoutData(gridData); completionsTable.setBackground(parent.getBackground()); completionsTable.setLinesVisible(true); // Initialize the columns and rows. bindings.clear(); final TableColumn columnCommandName = new TableColumn(completionsTable, SWT.LEFT, 0); final TableColumn columnKeySequence = new TableColumn(completionsTable, SWT.LEFT, 1); final Iterator itemsItr = partialMatches.entrySet().iterator(); while (itemsItr.hasNext()) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) itemsItr.next(); final String sequence = (String) entry.getValue(); final Binding binding = (Binding) entry.getKey(); final ParameterizedCommand command = binding .getParameterizedCommand(); try { final String[] text = { command.getName(), sequence }; final TableItem item = new TableItem(completionsTable, SWT.NULL); item.setText(text); item.setData(BINDING_KEY, binding); bindings.add(binding); } catch (NotDefinedException e) { // Not much to do, but this shouldn't really happen. } } Dialog.applyDialogFont(parent); columnKeySequence.pack(); if (previousWidth != NO_REMEMBERED_WIDTH) { columnKeySequence.setWidth(previousWidth); } columnCommandName.pack(); if (completionsTable.getItems().length > 0) { completionsTable.setSelection(0); } /* * If you double-click on the table, it should execute the selected * command. */ completionsTable.addListener(SWT.DefaultSelection, new Listener() { public final void handleEvent(final Event event) { executeKeyBinding(event); } }); } /** * Edits the remembered selection in the preference dialog. */ private final void editKeyBinding() { // Create a preference dialog on the keys preference page. final String keysPageId = "org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Keys"; //$NON-NLS-1$ final PreferenceDialog dialog = PreferencesUtil .createPreferenceDialogOn(getShell(), keysPageId, null, binding); /* * Forget the remembered state (so we don't get stuck editing * preferences). */ clearRememberedState(); // Open the dialog (blocking). dialog.open(); } /** * Handles the default selection event on the table of possible completions. * This attempts to execute the given command. */ private final void executeKeyBinding(final Event trigger) { // Try to execute the corresponding command. final int selectionIndex = completionsTable.getSelectionIndex(); if (selectionIndex >= 0) { final Binding binding = (Binding) bindings.get(selectionIndex); try { workbenchKeyboard.updateShellKludge(null); workbenchKeyboard.executeCommand(binding, trigger); } catch (final CommandException e) { workbenchKeyboard.logException(e, binding .getParameterizedCommand()); } } } /** * Gets the list of key bindings that are partial matches to the current key * binding state. * * @return A sorted map of key sequences (KeySequence) to command identifier * (String) representing the list of enabled commands that could * possibly complete the current key sequence. */ private final SortedMap getPartialMatches() { // Put all partial matches into the matches into the map. final Map partialMatches = bindingService .getPartialMatches(keyBindingState.getCurrentSequence()); // Create a sorted map that sorts based on lexicographical order. final SortedMap sortedMatches = new TreeMap(new Comparator() { public final int compare(final Object a, final Object b) { final Binding bindingA = (Binding) a; final Binding bindingB = (Binding) b; final ParameterizedCommand commandA = bindingA .getParameterizedCommand(); final ParameterizedCommand commandB = bindingB .getParameterizedCommand(); try { return commandA.getName().compareTo(commandB.getName()); } catch (final NotDefinedException e) { // should not happen return 0; } } }); /* * Remove those partial matches for which either the command is not * identified or the activity manager believes the command is not * enabled. */ final Iterator partialMatchItr = partialMatches.entrySet().iterator(); while (partialMatchItr.hasNext()) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) partialMatchItr.next(); final Binding binding = (Binding) entry.getValue(); final Command command = binding.getParameterizedCommand() .getCommand(); if (command.isDefined() && activityManager.getIdentifier(command.getId()) .isEnabled()) { TriggerSequence bestActiveBindingFor = bindingService.getBestActiveBindingFor(binding.getParameterizedCommand()); sortedMatches.put(binding, bestActiveBindingFor==null?null:bestActiveBindingFor.format()); } } return sortedMatches; } /** * Returns whether the dialog is currently holding some remembered state. * * @return <code>true</code> if the dialog has remembered state; * <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private final boolean hasRememberedState() { return hasRememberedState; } /** * Opens this dialog. This method can be called multiple times on the same * dialog. This only opens the dialog if there is no remembered state; if * there is remembered state, then it tries to open the preference page * instead. * * @return The return code from this dialog. */ public final int open() { // If there is remember state, open the preference page. if (hasRememberedState()) { editKeyBinding(); clearRememberedState(); return Window.OK; } // If the dialog is already open, dispose the shell and recreate it. final Shell shell = getShell(); if (shell != null) { close(false, false); } create(); // Configure the size and location. final Point size = configureSize(); configureLocation(size); // Call the super method. return super.open(); } /** * Opens this dialog with the list of bindings for the user to select from. * * @return The return code from this dialog. * @since 3.3 */ public final int open(Collection bindings) { conflictMatches = new TreeMap(new Comparator() { public final int compare(final Object a, final Object b) { final Binding bindingA = (Binding) a; final Binding bindingB = (Binding) b; final ParameterizedCommand commandA = bindingA .getParameterizedCommand(); final ParameterizedCommand commandB = bindingB .getParameterizedCommand(); try { return commandA.getName().compareTo(commandB.getName()); } catch (final NotDefinedException e) { // should not happen return 0; } } }); Iterator i = bindings.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Binding b = (Binding) i.next(); TriggerSequence bestActiveBindingFor = bindingService.getBestActiveBindingFor(b.getParameterizedCommand()); conflictMatches.put(b, bestActiveBindingFor==null?null:bestActiveBindingFor.format()); } // If the dialog is already open, dispose the shell and recreate it. final Shell shell = getShell(); if (shell != null) { close(false, false); } create(); // Configure the size and location. final Point size = configureSize(); configureLocation(size); // Call the super method. return super.open(); } /** * Registers the shell as the same type as its parent with the context * support. This ensures that it does not modify the current state of the * application. */ private final void registerShellType() { final Shell shell = getShell(); final IContextService contextService = (IContextService) keyBindingState .getAssociatedWindow().getWorkbench().getService( IContextService.class); contextService.registerShell(shell, contextService .getShellType((Shell) shell.getParent())); } /** * Remembers the current state of this dialog. * * @param previousWidth * The previous width of the dialog. * @param binding * The binding to remember, may be <code>null</code> if none. */ private final void rememberState(final int previousWidth, final Binding binding) { this.previousWidth = previousWidth; this.binding = binding; hasRememberedState = true; } /** * Exposing this within the keys package. * * @param newParentShell * The new parent shell; this value may be <code>null</code> if * there is to be no parent. */ protected final void setParentShell(final Shell newParentShell) { super.setParentShell(newParentShell); } }